Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Hylomorphism (Greek υλο- hylo-, "wood, matter" + -morphism < Greek -μορφη, morph, "form") is a philosophical concept that highlights the significance of matter in the composition of being, regarding matter to be as essential to a being as its form. In laymen's terms, hylomorphism is the view that a substance is defined by a combination of the matter from which it is made and the form which that matter takes.[Wikipdedia]

Zoism [OED}
The doctrine that life depends on a peculiar vital principle, and is not a mere resultant of combined forces; esp. in connexion with ‘animal magnetism’ and the like. So zoist (zst), one who upholds the doctrine of zoism; hence zoistic (zstk) a., as in zoistic magnetism = animal magnetism.


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